Welcome, Class of 2024, to the Fieldston Alumni Network (FAN)! You can find more information below about FAN. 

Fieldston Alumni Network (FAN)

The Fieldston Alumni Network (FAN) supports the mission of our School, promotes and maintains interest in the activities and welfare of the School among alumni, and provides services and programs for alumni. 

Our work includes collecting class notes, fundraising, welcoming alumni at Homecoming and Reunion, speaking to students at Fieldston Awareness Days, hosting a community service day, and providing networking opportunities for students and alumni. 

We invite you to be part of a diverse group of engaged alumni working to advance the School's efforts to educate talented, ethical, and community-minded people. 

To get involved, please email FAN Chair Lance Taubin '06 and Vice Chair Jason Lightning '11 at alumni@ecfs.org.

Meet some of the FAN Leadership Committee

Rachel Hochhauser '91

Snap Inc. Head of Law Enforcement Operations for North America 

5 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience?  It’s impossible to name one favorite experience from my Fieldston years. I loved the darkroom where we developed our own photos. I recall the thrill of journalism class with Bob Montera, reading the Old and New Testament with Dr. Howard, Fitzgerald/Hemingway/Faulkner with Mr Hubner. Mostly I remember how encouraged I was to be curious, to try and even to fail and learn from it. 

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? My Fieldston friends are still family to me and our  Fieldston family is growing since my daughters will be at Ethical starting next year. I’m a forever FAN!

Lance Taubin '06 


Senior Associate

12 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? Winning the 2005 state basketball championship and Mr Cullen.

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? What better community to be a part of? Stands for what’s right, inculcates ethical values, tolerance and empathy.

Dan Lederman '06

Executive Vice President at Manhattan Skyline Management

13 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? Inventing Gotham and going out into the city to explore history hands on. 

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? So many things make Fieldston special to me, it would be impossible to pick just one. The incredible community, the progressive teaching philosophy, the dedication to ethics and diversity, they are all interconnected to form the Fieldston ethos that I feel a part of.

Michael Shindler '09


14 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? Dr. Watson and Laurie Bass singing the quotient/product/chain rule song to our Calculus class.

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? Fieldston is my home and family, and I would love for future generations to have the same experiences and opportunities that I had.

Sam Ravetz '11

Beto For Texas Regional Finance Manager

4 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? Maura Furfey (who still teaches Spanish today) introduced me to the idea of a gap year, and I never looked back. Thanks to Ms. Furfey's care and confidence in her students, I chose to take a year off of school at a time when few friends did. Spending so much time far away from both my home and comfort zone has helped shape the person I've become. Fieldston as a whole pushes us to think outside of our natural four walls, fostering an interest in the other and Ms. Furfey handed me the keys to engage that curiosity. 

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? Fieldston walks the delicate line of providing a nurturing environment while challenging us to think critically about the world around us.  The ability to continue this mission beyond senior year with a diverse group of Fieldston alum serves as a reminder of the wonderful community in my corner and we wish to instill that same feeling with our fellow Eagles.

Jason Lightning '11

Vice Chair

Vice President, High Yield Credit Analyst 

4 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? My favorite courses were the history courses and my favorite experience was playing on the basketball team.

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? To help bring together the Fieldston community and having the opportunity to connect with different generations of Fieldston alums.

Ajani Alves-Santos '12

Marketing Strategist

13 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? Being a part of the basketball team.

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? It's provided me with invaluable experiences and lifelong connections.

Jacqueline Weitz '17

Project Manager, Marketing Content at

NBC Sports

4 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? One of my favorite memories of Fieldston is reading Kafka in Mr. Montera's class. I still pick up Kafka occasionally and remember our class discussions fondly. My other favorite memory is going to Beijing with my Chinese class after my freshman year. It was an incredible bonding experience. 

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? I love that it is the standard to be passionate about your interests and work in the Fieldston community. 

Andrea Amiel '83

Booker/Producer, ABC News 

14 year ECFS student

Favorite memory or experience? Conversations with thoughtful and engaging teachers and hanging out on the Quad. 

Why are you a FAN of Fieldston? My ECFS eduction is key to who I am today, and how I view the world in an intellectually expansive, ethically-minded and community-oriented way.  I want that same education for today's students